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waltz a round dance for couples in three-four time with the accent on the first beat. [7 definitions]
wampum white and dark cylindrical beads made from polished shells, formerly used by North American Indians as money and ornaments.
wan unnaturally pale, as from illness or exhaustion. [3 definitions]
wand a thin stick or rod used by magicians or the like. [3 definitions]
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan, or at no definite pace; roam. [5 definitions]
wane of the moon, to gradually decrease in the size of the portion that is illuminated, as seen from the earth. (Cf. wax2). [6 definitions]
wanna contraction of "want to" used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech.
want to desire (something); wish for. [14 definitions]
war a state or period of open, armed fighting between nations, states, or other groups of people. [5 definitions]
warbler any of numerous small, insect-eating American songbirds, many species of which are brightly colored. [3 definitions]
-ward in (such) a spatial or temporal direction. [2 definitions]
ward in a hospital, a large room holding several patients, or a section for patients of a similar type, such as children or patients that require intensive care. [5 definitions]
warden a person who is responsible for or guards someone or something, such as persons, animals, facilities, or rules. [2 definitions]
wardrobe a tall upright cabinet or closet, or a small room, where clothes are kept. [2 definitions]
ware (usu. pl.) manufactured products or other articles of commerce, including salable skills, knowledge, or the like; goods. [2 definitions]
warehouse a building, or part of one, in which commercial products or private goods are stored. [2 definitions]
warfare the act or process of waging a war. [2 definitions]
warm having or emitting moderate heat. [14 definitions]
warm-blooded designating animals whose body temperature remains relatively constant and warm, independent of the surrounding temperature. [2 definitions]
warmth the quality or condition of being warm; warmness. [5 definitions]
warm up to prepare for physical exercise or other activity by practicing just beforehand.