while |
a period of time. [5 definitions] |
whim |
a sudden desire, thought, or change of mind. |
whimper |
to cry in weak, broken sounds. [2 definitions] |
whine |
to make a long, high cry that expresses pain, complaint, or fear. [4 definitions] |
whinny |
to make the sound of a horse; neigh. [2 definitions] |
whip |
to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long, thin strap, or a rod. [7 definitions] |
whippoorwill |
a bird with gray, black, and white feathers that lives in eastern North America and eats insects. The whippoorwill sings at night, and its call sounds like its name. |
whir |
to move or turn quickly with a humming or buzzing sound. [2 definitions] |
whirl |
to turn or spin quickly on a central point. [8 definitions] |
whirlpool |
water turning rapidly about a center and pulling downward. |
whirlwind |
a small storm in which a column of air turns rapidly around a central axis as the storm moves forward. Tornadoes are whirlwinds. [3 definitions] |
whisk |
to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush. [2 definitions] |
whisker |
human facial hair growing above the upper lip or on the cheeks or chin. [2 definitions] |
whiskey |
a liquor made from rye, corn, or other grains. |
whisky |
another spelling of whiskey. This spelling is usually used for Scotch or Canadian whiskey. |
whisper |
to speak in a soft, low tone. [3 definitions] |
whistle |
to make shrill high sounds by forcing air through a small opening in the lips or a device. [9 definitions] |
white |
the color of snow or salt; the lightest color. [6 definitions] |
white blood cell |
a small blood cell with no color that helps protect the body against infections and bacteria. |
whiteboard |
a board, usually colored white, used as a writing surface in places such as classrooms and meeting rooms. Whiteboards are used in a way similar to blackboards, but they have a smooth, shiny surface that is designed to be written on with special markers and easily erased. |
White House |
the official home of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C. (used with "the"). [2 definitions] |