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whir to move rapidly with a humming or buzzing sound, as in rotation. [2 definitions]
whirl to revolve, spin, or move rapidly in a circular motion. [11 definitions]
whirlpool water turning rapidly about a center and exerting a downward pull; vortex. [2 definitions]
whirlwind a small windstorm, such as a tornado, in which a column of air revolves rapidly around a central, relatively vertical axis as the storm advances. [3 definitions]
whisk to move, brush off, or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush. [6 definitions]
whisker (usu. pl.) human facial hair growing above the upper lip or on the cheeks or chin. [3 definitions]
whiskey an alcoholic liquor distilled from grains such as rye, barley, or corn and usu. containing forty to fifty percent alcohol. [2 definitions]
whisky whiskey, esp. Scotch or Canadian.
whisper to speak in a hushed tone, without vibrating the vocal cords. [9 definitions]
whistle to make shrill high sounds by forcing air through a constricted opening such as pursed lips or a device. [10 definitions]
white the color of snow or salt; the lightest achromatic color. [12 definitions]
white blood cell any of the colorless nucleated blood cells that help protect the body against infections and bacteria; leukocyte.
whiteboard a board, usually colored white, used as a displayed writing surface in classrooms, meeting rooms, and the like. Whiteboards have a smooth, glossy surface on which writing done with non-permanent markers can be easily erased. [2 definitions]
White House the official residence of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C. (prec. by "the"). [2 definitions]
whiten to make or become white.
white-tailed deer a common North American deer, having a tail with a white underside.
whitewash a coating usu. made of lime and water, applied to walls, fences, or foundations as a whitener. [6 definitions]
whittle to cut or pare small bits or thin layers from (a piece of wood), or to trim or shape (it) by so doing. [3 definitions]
whiz to make a buzzing or hissing sound by, or as if by, flying swiftly through the air. [6 definitions]
who what person or persons. [5 definitions]
whoa used esp. to direct horses to stop.