whir |
to move or turn quickly with a humming or buzzing sound. [2 definitions] |
whirl |
to turn or spin quickly on a central point. [8 definitions] |
whirlpool |
water turning rapidly about a center and pulling downward. |
whirlwind |
a small storm in which a column of air turns rapidly around a central axis as the storm moves forward. Tornadoes are whirlwinds. [3 definitions] |
whisk |
to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush. [2 definitions] |
whisker |
human facial hair growing above the upper lip or on the cheeks or chin. [2 definitions] |
whiskey |
a liquor made from rye, corn, or other grains. |
whisky |
another spelling of whiskey. This spelling is usually used for Scotch or Canadian whiskey. |
whisper |
to speak in a soft, low tone. [3 definitions] |
whistle |
to make shrill high sounds by forcing air through a small opening in the lips or a device. [9 definitions] |
white |
the color of snow or salt; the lightest color. [6 definitions] |
white blood cell |
a small blood cell with no color that helps protect the body against infections and bacteria. |
whiteboard |
a board, usually colored white, used as a writing surface in places such as classrooms and meeting rooms. Whiteboards are used in a way similar to blackboards, but they have a smooth, shiny surface that is designed to be written on with special markers and easily erased. |
White House |
the official home of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C. (used with "the"). [2 definitions] |
whiten |
to make or become white. |
white-tailed deer |
an animal with antlers, long legs, and hooves. White-tailed deer are mammals. They live in woodlands of northern South America, Central America, and the United States, and are very common in the eastern United States. They are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. |
whitewash |
a thin white paint used on walls, fences, or foundations. [3 definitions] |
whittle |
to cut small bits or thin layers from, or to trim or shape by so doing. [2 definitions] |
whiz |
to make a buzzing or hissing sound by, or as if by, flying swiftly through the air. [2 definitions] |
who |
what person or persons. [4 definitions] |
whoa |
"Stop!" |