windstorm |
a storm with high winds with little or no rain or other precipitation. |
windsurfing |
a sport in which a person stands on a board to which a sail is attached and sails through the water by moving the sail. |
windswept |
exposed to the wind; windy. |
wind up |
(informal) to bring (something) to an end. [4 definitions] |
windy |
having a great amount of wind. |
wine |
the juice of grapes that has been fermented and contains alcohol. |
wing |
either of a pair of movable body parts used by birds, bats, or insects to fly. [6 definitions] |
winged |
having wings. |
wingspan |
the distance from the tip of one wing of a bird or plane to the tip of the other. |
wingspread |
the distance from the tip of one wing of a bird or plane to the tip of the other wing when they are spread wide. |
wink |
to close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness. [5 definitions] |
winner |
one that wins or is likely to win or succeed. |
winning |
being the one that wins; successful or victorious. [3 definitions] |
winter |
the season of the year that has the lowest temperatures and comes between fall and spring. [4 definitions] |
wintergreen |
a low evergreen found in eastern North America that bears white flowers and red berries. Oil from its leaves is used to make flavoring. [2 definitions] |
wintry |
of, or relating to winter. |
wipe |
to clean or dry by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth, paper, or one's hand. [3 definitions] |
wipe out |
to destroy. [2 definitions] |
wiper |
a device that moves across a vehicle's window to keep it clear so that the driver can see. |
wire |
a thin rod or thread of metal. [8 definitions] |
wireless |
working or sent without wires. [2 definitions] |