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windmill a machine that mills, pumps water, or the like by using the energy from a wheel that is mounted at the top of a tower and turned by the wind. [2 definitions]
window an opening, esp. in a wall, allowing air and light to enter and providing a view out from within an enclosed space. [4 definitions]
window-shop to pass time by looking at merchandise displayed in store windows, usu. without any intention to buy or to buy at that time.
windowsill the horizontal projecting ledge at the bottom of a window frame.
windpipe the air passage between the larynx and the bronchial tubes in air-breathing vertebrates; trachea.
windscreen (chiefly British) a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind; windshield.
windshield a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind. [2 definitions]
windshield wiper a long, narrow piece of rubber attached to a metal blade that moves mechanically across a front or rear window of a car or other vehicle. A windshield wiper moves back and forth to remove raindrops, snow, leaves, dirt, or the like from the windshield.
windstorm a storm with high winds that may or may not be accompanied by precipitation.
windsurfing a sport in which the participant stands on a special kind of surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and moves across the water by manipulating the sail.
windswept exposed or subjected to the wind; windy or windblown.
wind up (informal) to bring (something) to an end. [4 definitions]
windy having a great or excessive amount of wind; characterized by wind. [4 definitions]
wine the fermented juice of any of a variety of fruits, although typically made from grapes. Wine has an alcohol content averaging around 12 to 18 percent. [7 definitions]
wing either of a pair of movable appendages enabling a bird, bat, or insect to fly. [14 definitions]
winged equipped with wings or appendages resembling wings. [4 definitions]
wingspan the distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other, as on an airplane or bird.
wingspread the distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other when they are fully spread, as on a bird.
wink to close and open one eye quickly, and usu. intentionally, as a signal, suggestion, or comment. [11 definitions]
winner one that wins or is favored to win; victor.
winning successful or victorious. [4 definitions]