windstorm |
a storm with high winds that may or may not be accompanied by precipitation. |
windsurfing |
a sport in which the participant stands on a special kind of surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and moves across the water by manipulating the sail. |
windswept |
exposed or subjected to the wind; windy or windblown. |
wind up |
(informal) to bring (something) to an end. [4 definitions] |
windy |
having a great or excessive amount of wind; characterized by wind. [4 definitions] |
wine |
the fermented juice of any of a variety of fruits, although typically made from grapes. Wine has an alcohol content averaging around 12 to 18 percent. [7 definitions] |
wing |
either of a pair of movable appendages enabling a bird, bat, or insect to fly. [14 definitions] |
winged |
equipped with wings or appendages resembling wings. [4 definitions] |
wingspan |
the distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other, as on an airplane or bird. |
wingspread |
the distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other when they are fully spread, as on a bird. |
wink |
to close and open one eye quickly, and usu. intentionally, as a signal, suggestion, or comment. [11 definitions] |
winner |
one that wins or is favored to win; victor. |
winning |
successful or victorious. [4 definitions] |
winter |
the season of the year that is the lowest in temperature and occurs between the autumn and spring seasons. In the northern hemisphere, winter begins with the December solstice and ends at the March equinox. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins at the summer solstice in June and ends with the autumnal equinox in September. [10 definitions] |
wintergreen |
a low creeping evergreen commonly found in eastern North America that bears white, bell-shaped flowers and edible red berries, and has leaves that yield an aromatic oil. [3 definitions] |
wintry |
of, pertaining to, or suitable for winter. [2 definitions] |
wipe |
to clean or dry (a surface) by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth, paper, one's hand, or the like. [7 definitions] |
wipe out |
to demolish, destroy, or defeat utterly. [2 definitions] |
wiper |
one that wipes. [3 definitions] |
wire |
a rod or strand of usu. flexible metal. [14 definitions] |
wireless |
not having wires, or operating, transmitting, or being transmitted without wires. [5 definitions] |