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withstand to resist or stand up to; bear.
withstood past tense and past participle of "withstand."
witness to watch or be present at. [5 definitions]
witty showing or characterized by clever humor.
wives plural of "wife."
wizard a person who is believed to have magic powers. [2 definitions]
wk. abbreviation of "week."
wobble to move or tip from side to side in an unsteady way; be out of balance.
woe great suffering or sorrow. [2 definitions]
wok a large frying pan with a rounded bottom, used for cooking Chinese food.
woke a past tense of "wake."
woken a past participle of "wake1."
wolf a wild mammal that has a pointed nose, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Wolves are closely related to coyotes, dogs, and foxes. They usually eat birds and other small animals, but they also hunt in packs for larger animals such as deer. Wolves used to be common in Europe, Asia, and North America, but are now extinct or endangered in most areas. [2 definitions]
wolverine a mammal with a long, thick body, short legs, and a bushy tail. Wolverines have dark fur with white marks on the face and body. They are the largest kind of weasel, and may grow over three feet long. Wolverines hunt many kinds of animals, including large mammals. They live in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
wolves plural of "wolf."
woman an adult female human. [2 definitions]
womanhood the state of being a woman.
wombat a mammal with brown fur and short, thick legs. Wombats are Australian marsupials that live in burrows and eat plants. They are closely related to koalas.
women plural of "woman."
won1 past tense and past participle of "win."
wonder to feel admiration, surprise, or amazement (often followed by "at"). [4 definitions]