worse |
comparative of "bad" and "ill." [6 definitions] |
worship |
love and devotion shown to a being or an object considered sacred. [4 definitions] |
worst |
superlative of "bad" or "ill." [7 definitions] |
worth |
good or important enough for. [6 definitions] |
worthless |
without use or value. |
worthwhile |
valuable enough to be worth doing. |
worthy |
having enough worth or value. [2 definitions] |
would |
used as a past form of "will1" after verbs in the past tense that report speech or thoughts. [3 definitions] |
would like |
used as polite form of "want" or when the possibility of doing what one wants is not considered likely or certain. |
wouldn't |
shortened form of "would not." |
wound1 |
a cut or other injury to a part of the body. [3 definitions] |
wound2 |
past tense and past participle of "wind2." |
wove |
past tense of "weave." |
woven |
a past participle of "weave." |
wow1 |
(informal) a word used to express amazement, pleasure, or enthusiasm. [2 definitions] |
wrangle |
to quarrel over. [2 definitions] |
wrap |
to cover by circling or folding something around. [7 definitions] |
wrapped up in |
completely engaged in; having all of one's attention. |
wrapper |
that which is used to cover something. |
wrapping |
paper or some other material that is used to cover something. |
wrap up |
to finish up; complete. |