wrench |
to damage or hurt by twisting. [5 definitions] |
wrest |
to take away with, or as if with, a twist or pull. |
wrestle |
to take part in the sport of wrestling, or to struggle to throw and hold another to the ground. [3 definitions] |
wrestling |
an athletic exercise or contest in which two people struggle to throw and hold each other to the ground. |
wretched |
unhappy; miserable. [2 definitions] |
wriggle |
to twist and turn one's body with quick movements from side to side; wiggle. [3 definitions] |
wring |
to twist and squeeze tightly. [3 definitions] |
wrinkle1 |
a fold or ridge on an otherwise flat surface, such as cloth or skin. [2 definitions] |
wrist |
the joint between the arm and hand, or the bones that make up this joint. |
wrist watch |
a watch on a strap or band that is worn around the wrist. |
write |
to form on a surface with a pen, pencil, typewriter, or other instrument. [6 definitions] |
write down |
to write (something) in order to remember it, save it, or study it at a later time. |
writer |
one who writes. [2 definitions] |
writing |
the act, art, or job of one who writes. [4 definitions] |
written |
past participle of "write." [2 definitions] |
wrong |
not true, or correct. [8 definitions] |
wrote |
past tense of "write." |
wrought iron |
a soft iron, used in making garden furniture, candle holders, and other strong objects with fancy shapes and details. |
wrung |
past tense and past participle of "wring." |
wt. |
abbreviation of "weight." |
WV |
abbreviation of "West Virginia." |