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wrist watch a watch on a strap or band that is worn around the wrist.
write to form on a surface with a pen, pencil, typewriter, or other instrument. [6 definitions]
write down to write (something) in order to remember it, save it, or study it at a later time.
writer one who writes. [2 definitions]
writing the act, art, or job of one who writes. [4 definitions]
written past participle of "write." [2 definitions]
wrong not true, or correct. [8 definitions]
wrote past tense of "write."
wrought iron a soft iron, used in making garden furniture, candle holders, and other strong objects with fancy shapes and details.
wrung past tense and past participle of "wring."
wt. abbreviation of "weight."
WV abbreviation of "West Virginia."
WY abbreviation of "Wyoming."
Wyoming a state in the northwestern United States. Its capital is Cheyenne. (abbreviated: WY)
x2 the twenty-fourth letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions]
xenophobia a fear or hatred of foreign people or things.
Xhosa a member of one of the Bantu peoples living in South Africa. [2 definitions]
Xmas written abbreviation of "Christmas."
X-ray a beam of high-energy radiation that is able to pass through many kinds of solid material. [3 definitions]
xylophone a percussion instrument composed of a series of metal or wooden bars. It is played by hitting the bars with small wooden mallets.
-y1 a suffix that means "full of" or "made of." [4 definitions]