Yangtze River |
see "Chang Jiang River." |
yank |
(informal) to pull or take out suddenly or abruptly; jerk. [2 definitions] |
Yankee |
a native or resident of New England. [3 definitions] |
yap |
to bark with sharp, high, shrill sounds, as a dog does. [6 definitions] |
yard1 |
a unit of length equal to three feet or 0.9144 meter. (abbr.: yd.) [2 definitions] |
yard2 |
an open area next to or surrounding a house or other building. [4 definitions] |
yardstick |
a measuring stick three feet long. [2 definitions] |
yarn |
a strand of twisted fibers made from natural or synthetic materials and used esp. for knitting or weaving. [4 definitions] |
yawn |
to open the mouth involuntarily while breathing in deeply, usu. as a sign of tiredness, boredom, or the like. [4 definitions] |
yd. |
abbreviation of "yard," a unit of length equal to three feet or 0.9144 meter. |
ye1 |
an archaic form of "you." |
ye2 |
the. Ye is a misreading of an old spelling of "the" in which the letter for the "th" sound looked like a "y." When stores today put "ye" on their signs, they do so in order to look old-fashioned. |
yeah |
(informal) yes. |
year |
a unit of time equal to 365 days or, every fourth year, 366 days, reckoned in the Gregorian calendar from January through December; twelve months. (abbr.: yr.) [5 definitions] |
yearly |
occurring, done, or produced once a year or every year; annual. [4 definitions] |
year-round |
continuing, existing, or lasting throughout the entire year. |
yeast |
any of the minute cells or froth of certain fungi used to ferment alcohol, make dough rise, or manufacture certain medicines. [4 definitions] |
yell |
to scream out loudly, as in pain, anger, fright, surprise, or enthusiasm. [4 definitions] |
yellow |
the color of an egg yolk or ripe lemon; the color between orange and green on the spectrum. [7 definitions] |
yellow jacket |
any of several small social wasps or hornets that have black bodies with bright yellow markings. |
yellow pages |
(often caps.) the classified section of a telephone directory, usu. printed on yellow paper, that lists the subscribers alphabetically according to the business, profession, or service they offer. |