a national organization that provides sports programs and other recreational activities for young people. "YMCA" is an abbreviation of "Young Men's Christian Association." |
yodel |
to sing or call out with quick changes of the voice so that sounds range in an instant from low or medium pitch, with sounds coming from the chest, to very high pitch. Yodeling is popular among the mountain people of the Alps. [2 definitions] |
yoga |
(often capitalized) a Hindu practice made up of a system of physical and mental exercises that free the self from the body and mind to find spiritual peace. |
yogurt |
a soft food that is made from sour milk and often flavored or sweetened with fruit. |
yoke |
a device used to join together a pair of work animals. A yoke is made up of a wooden bar with two U-shaped ends that fit around the animals' heads. [3 definitions] |
yolk |
the yellow part of an egg. The yolk feeds the baby bird until it is hatched. People use egg yolks in many food dishes. |
Yom Kippur |
the holiest day in the Jewish religion, observed by praying, not eating, and asking forgiveness for sins. Yom Kippur comes ten days after Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish year. |
yonder |
(informal) somewhat distant, but within sight. [2 definitions] |
you |
the person or persons being spoken or written to. [2 definitions] |
you bet |
(informal) to be sure; of course. |
you'd |
shortened form of "you would" or "you had." |
you'll |
shortened form of "you will." |
young |
at an early stage of life or growth. [4 definitions] |
younger |
comparative of "young." [2 definitions] |
youngest |
superlative of "young." [2 definitions] |
youngster |
a young person; child. |
your |
belonging to, done by, or having to do with the person being spoken or written to. [2 definitions] |
you're |
shortened form of "you are." |
yours |
that or those belonging to you, done by you, or having to do with you. |
yourself |
used to emphasize "you"; your own self. [3 definitions] |
yours truly1 |
words used to end a letter before it is signed; (informal) I, me, or myself. |