abbreviation of "Young Men's Christian Association." |
yodel |
to sing or call out with frequent, abrupt changes so that the voice fluctuates between the natural chest voice and a falsetto. [2 definitions] |
yoga |
(often cap.) a Hindu discipline involving a system of physical and mental exercises to free the self from the body and mind, esp. performed to achieve spiritual peace. [2 definitions] |
yogurt |
a slightly acidic custardlike food that is made from curdled milk and often flavored or sweetened with fruit. |
yoke |
a device used to join together a pair of draft animals, usu. comprising a crossbar with two U-shaped loops, each fitted around the head of an animal. [9 definitions] |
yolk |
the yellow nutritive substance in an egg, consisting of protein and fat, that is involved directly in the formation of the embryo. |
Yom Kippur |
the Jewish Day of Atonement, observed as a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance on the tenth day of Tishri, and regarded as the holiest day in the religious calendar. |
yonder |
(informal) somewhat distant but usu. within sight. [2 definitions] |
you |
the person or persons being addressed. [2 definitions] |
you bet |
(informal) to be sure; of course. |
you'd |
contracted form of "you would," or contracted form of "you had." |
you'll |
contracted form of "you will." |
young |
at an early stage of life, growth, or development. [7 definitions] |
younger |
comparative of "young." [2 definitions] |
youngest |
superlative of "young." [2 definitions] |
youngster |
a young person; child. [2 definitions] |
your |
a possessive form of you; of or belonging to the person or persons being addressed. [2 definitions] |
you're |
contracted form of "you are." |
yours |
a possessive form of you; that or those belonging to you. [2 definitions] |
yourself |
used to emphasize you. [4 definitions] |
yours truly1 |
words used to end a letter before it is signed; (informal) I, me, or myself. |