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ablaze on fire; burning. [2 definitions]
-able capable or worthy of being the object of (such) an action. [3 definitions]
able having the skill, power, or opportunity that one must have to do a thing. [3 definitions]
abnormal different from the normal or usual; not typical. (Cf. irregular.)
aboard on or into a ship, plane, train, or the like; on board. [2 definitions]
abolish to do away with; put a stop to; end. [2 definitions]
abolition the act of doing away with or putting an end to; the act of abolishing or state of being abolished. [2 definitions]
abolitionism advocacy of or legal movement toward abolition, esp. of slavery in the United States.
abolitionist of or pertaining to Abolition. [2 definitions]
abominable deserving of disgust; hateful. [2 definitions]
aborigine an original or first inhabitant of an area, esp. a member of a tribe native to Australia. [2 definitions]
abound to be found or available in a large amount or number. [2 definitions]
about concerning. [12 definitions]
about to ready to; just on the point of.
above at or to a higher place than. [9 definitions]
aboveboard without tricks, deceit, or concealment.
abrasive a material or substance used to grind or polish surfaces. [3 definitions]
abreast side by side. [4 definitions]
abridge to shorten without removing basic contents; condense. [2 definitions]
abroad in or to a country that is not one's own. [4 definitions]
abrupt sudden and unexpected. [3 definitions]