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B symbol of the chemical element boron.
b the second letter of the English alphabet. [5 definitions]
Ba symbol of the chemical element barium.
B.A. abbreviation of "Bachelor of Arts," an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in the liberal arts; A.B.
baa to make the sound of a sheep; bleat. [2 definitions]
babble to speak incoherently or with meaningless sounds. [8 definitions]
babe a recently born or very young person; baby. [3 definitions]
baboon any of various large African and Arabian monkeys that live on the ground and have long doglike snouts.
baby a newly-born or very young child in the first stages of development; infant. [11 definitions]
baby boom the dramatic population increase in the United States during the decade following World War II.
babysit to watch over or supervise children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
babysitter a person who watches over or supervises children in the absence of their parents, usu. for payment.
baby tooth one of the first set of teeth in human babies and other mammals. Baby teeth fall out early in life to be replaced by adult teeth.
bachelor an unwed man, esp. one who has never married. [2 definitions]
back the part of a human or other vertebrate that is on the opposite side from the chest and abdomen and between the neck and the tailbone. [15 definitions]
back and forth moving backward then forward, or forward then backward, often repeatedly. [2 definitions]
backboard a board at the rear of something, serving as a support. [2 definitions]
backbone the series of bones that run along the center of the back; spinal column; vertebrae. [3 definitions]
backfire to emit a loud noise as the result of inefficient functioning of the engine of a car or other internal-combustion vehicle. [4 definitions]
backgammon a board game in which each of two opponents throws dice and tries to move several pieces clockwise around and eventually off the board.
background a part located in the rear, esp. as depicted in a painting, photograph, or scene. (Cf. foreground.) [5 definitions]