bob2 |
a style of short haircut for women and children. [4 definitions] |
bobbin |
a spool on which thread or yarn is wound for use in sewing or weaving. |
bobcat |
a wild cat with red-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. Bobcats are about twice the size of a house cat. They are a kind of lynx and live in southern Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Bobcats are carnivorous mammals. |
bobolink |
a black, yellow, and white North American songbird that is named for its cry. Bobolinks move from one region to another during certain times of the year. |
bobsled |
a long racing sled with two separate sets of runners, a steering wheel, and brakes. [2 definitions] |
bobwhite |
a brown and white North American bird that is named for its call. Bobwhites are a kind of quail. |
bode1 |
to serve as a sign about the future; show ahead of time. |
bodily |
of or relating to the human body. |
body |
all the physical material that makes up a person or animal, including limbs, organs, tissue, and other parts. [5 definitions] |
bodyguard |
a person whose job is to protect another person or a group of people from harm. |
bog |
an area of soft, wet earth; marsh. [2 definitions] |
boil1 |
of a liquid, to produce bubbles of water vapor when heated to a high enough temperature. [5 definitions] |
boil2 |
a swollen, painful sore that is filled with pus. A boil is an infection caused by bacteria. |
boil down |
to decrease something by boiling. [2 definitions] |
boiler |
a tank used to heat and store a supply of water. |
boiling point |
the temperature at which a liquid starts to boil. [2 definitions] |
boil over |
to boil until the liquid flows out of a container. |
bold |
brave; daring. [5 definitions] |
Bolivia |
a country in western South America. La Paz is the capital of Bolivia. |
boll |
the seed pod of plants, such as cotton. |
boll weevil |
a small beetle with a gray body and a long snout. It lays eggs in the seed pods of the cotton plant where they hatch and cause much damage to crops. |