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Buddhist one who follows the teachings of Buddhism. [2 definitions]
buddy (informal) a friend; pal. [2 definitions]
budge to change or begin to change position slightly. [2 definitions]
budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period. [3 definitions]
buff1 a soft, thick, yellow leather made from the skin of a buffalo or ox. [4 definitions]
buffalo a large mammal that has long legs, hooves, and horns, and that is closely related to cattle. Different kinds of buffaloes live in Africa or Asia. The North American bison is sometimes called a buffalo, but is not a true buffalo.
buffet2 a piece of furniture with a flat top and shelves or drawers to store table linens, dishes, and silverware. [2 definitions]
bug an insect with front wings that are thick at the base and thin at the tip. There are many kinds of bugs. All have mouths made for sucking, and most feed on plants. [6 definitions]
buggy1 a small carriage with four wheels that is pulled by a single horse.
bugle1 a horn shaped like a trumpet, usually without keys or valves.
build to make by joining together different parts and materials; construct. [5 definitions]
builder someone or something that builds, especially a person who makes buildings such as houses.
building a large structure built for people to live in or do things in. Houses, schools, stores, and offices are buildings. [2 definitions]
build up to grow in size, amount, or intensity. [2 definitions]
built the past tense and past participle of "build."
built-in built as a permanent part of something larger; not able to be moved.
bulb a plant bud that begins to grow underground. Tulips and crocuses grow from bulbs. [3 definitions]
Bulgaria a country in southeastern Europe. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within. [2 definitions]
bulk a large size or mass. [2 definitions]
bull1 an adult male of several kinds of mammals, such as cattle and elephants.