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d the fourth letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
dab1 to pat or press lightly. [5 definitions]
dabble to wet by splashing or dipping. [2 definitions]
dachshund a German breed of dog. Dachshunds have long bodies, very short legs, and drooping ears.
dad (informal) father.
daddy (informal) father.
daddy-longlegs (used with a singular or plural verb) a small animal that resembles a spider. Daddy-longlegs are arachnids and have a small, rounded body with eight very long, thin legs.
daffodil a plant with tall stems and bright yellow or white flowers shaped like bells. Daffodils grow from bulbs and appear in the spring.
dagger a short, pointed weapon like a sword, with two sharp edges.
daily happening or done every day. [3 definitions]
dainty small, pretty, and delicate.
dairy a place where milk is stored and butter and cheese are made. [4 definitions]
dairy case a large container in a store that is kept cold and is used for holding and displaying dairy products, such as milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt.
dairy product foods that are made from the milk of cows or certain other animals, like goats and sheep.
dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
daisy a plant that has flowers with white, pink, or yellow petals around a yellow center.
dale a valley.
Dalmatian a breed of dog. Dalmatians are large dogs that have short white hair with black or brown spots.
dam1 a wall built across a river or stream to keep the water from flowing and to raise the water level behind it. [2 definitions]
damage harm or injury that makes something less useful or valuable. [2 definitions]
dame (capitalized) a title of honor given by a British king or queen to a woman who has done something important.