downcast |
looking downward. [2 definitions] |
download |
a computer file that is sent from one computer to another. [2 definitions] |
downpour |
a very heavy rain. |
downright |
complete; absolute. [2 definitions] |
downsize |
to reduce the size of (a company) by cutting down the number of its workers. |
downstairs |
at, to, or on a lower floor. [3 definitions] |
downstream |
in the direction that a stream or current is flowing. [2 definitions] |
down the drain |
to no good purpose; wasted. |
downtown |
in, to, or toward the lower part or the business area of a town or city. [2 definitions] |
downward |
toward a lower place or condition. [2 definitions] |
dowry |
the money or other property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage. |
doz. |
abbreviation of "dozen," or "dozens." |
doze |
to sleep lightly or for a short time. [2 definitions] |
dozen |
a group of twelve. [2 definitions] |
doze off |
to fall into a light sleep. |
Dr. |
abbreviation of "Doctor." [2 definitions] |
drab1 |
not bright; dull. |
draft |
a rough piece of writing that needs more work; sketch. [10 definitions] |
drag |
to pull along with effort; haul. [6 definitions] |
dragon |
an imaginary monster that looks like a giant lizard with wings, claws, and a long tail. In stories or pictures, dragons breathe fire and often guard a place or treasure. |
dragonfly |
a brightly colored insect with a long, narrow body. It has four long, clear wings that are held out from the body. Dragonflies live near fresh water and eat mosquitoes and other insects. |