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E abbreviation of "east."
e the fifth letter of the English alphabet. [2 definitions]
e- from; out of.
each every one of two or more. [3 definitions]
each other each the other (used to show reciprocity).
eager having or showing an impatient desire; anticipating enthusiastically.
eagle any of various birds of prey that are similar to but usu. larger than hawks. [3 definitions]
ear1 the organ of hearing in man and vertebrate animals. [4 definitions]
ear2 the seed-bearing part of a plant such as corn. [2 definitions]
earache a persisting pain in the middle or inner ear.
eardrum a membrane that separates the middle ear from the outer ear and that vibrates when sound waves strike it. (See tympanic membrane.)
earl a British nobleman who is ranked above a viscount and below a marquess. An earl is the British equivalent of a count.
earlobe the fleshy lower part of the outer ear.
early in the first stage of a time period. [10 definitions]
earmuff one of a pair of protective pads joined by an adjustable headband and worn over the ears, as against cold.
earn to receive in return for work or service. [4 definitions]
earnest1 having or showing a serious intention or manner. [3 definitions]
earnings money received as pay; wages. [2 definitions]
earphone the part of a telephone, radio set, music player or the like that fits over or into the ear for receiving sound.
earring an ornament worn on the earlobe.
earth (often cap.) the fifth largest planet in the solar system, which is third in order from the sun and has a diameter of about 7,930 miles. [4 definitions]