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knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling. [2 definitions]
knee the joint between the upper and lower parts of a human leg. [3 definitions]
kneecap the flat, round bone in front of the knee.
kneel to rest on the knee or knees.
knelt past tense and past participle of "kneel."
knew past tense of "know."
knickknack a small object used to decorate.
knife a tool with a handle and a thin, sharp blade, used for cutting. [2 definitions]
knight a soldier on horseback in the Middle Ages. A knight had to serve as an apprentice and follow many rules. [4 definitions]
knighthood the position held by a knight.
knit to join together loops of yarn by hand with long needles or by machine, in order to make various items such as sweaters, blankets, and shawls. [5 definitions]
knives plural of "knife."
knob a rounded piece on a door or drawer; a switch on a machine.
knock to rap, pound, or hit something, such as a door. [6 definitions]
knock down to make a person or object that had been standing fall to the ground.
knocker a metal piece with a hinge that is attached to the outside of a door. A knocker is used to call for those inside.
knock over to make an object or person that had been standing fall to the ground or other surface.
knoll a small rounded rise of land; hill.
knot1 a tying together of material such as rope, string, or yarn that is used to fasten. [6 definitions]
knothole a hole in a piece of lumber from which a knot has come out.
knotty having knots. [2 definitions]