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kwanza the main unit of money in Angola.
Kwanzaa an African-American festival, celebrating family, community, and culture, held from December 26 to January 1.
KY abbreviation of "Kentucky."
Kyrgyzstan a Central Asian country bordered by China and Kazakhstan. The capital of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek.
l1 abbreviation of "liter" or "liters."
l2 the twelfth letter of the English alphabet.
LA abbreviation of "Louisiana."
la the syllable that indicates the sixth tone of a musical scale.
lab1 a short form of "laboratory."
label a piece of paper or cloth that is attached to an object. A label gives information about what the object contains, how to use it, or who owns it. [4 definitions]
labor hard work or effort. [5 definitions]
laboratory a place used for scientific investigation and experiments. [3 definitions]
Labor Day a holiday in the United States and Canada to honor the labor of working people. Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
labor union a group of workers that help and protect each other's interests. Labor unions ask employers to improve wages and working conditions.
labour a spelling of "labor" used in Canada and Britain. See "labor" for more information.
Labrador a very large peninsula in eastern Canada that contains portions of the province of Quebec and the province of Newfoundland & Labrador.
lace a fabric made of fine threads that has holes in it as part of the design. [3 definitions]
lack the condition of being without. [2 definitions]
lacquer a liquid used on wood or metal to protect and make it shiny. [2 definitions]
lacrosse a game played on a field. The players use sticks with a net on one end to carry the ball and throw it into the other team's goal.
lad a boy or young man.