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m the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet.
m.1 abbreviation of "meter," or "meters."
MA abbreviation of "Massachusetts."
M.A. a degree earned in particular fields after one or two years of additional study following college. "M.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Arts."
ma (informal) mother.
ma'am (informal; often capitalized) madam.
macaroni dried noodles made from flour and water, often shaped into curved, hollow tubes.
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with noodles combined with a cheese sauce. The noodles are called macaroni, and they have the shape of short, curved tubes. Macaroni and cheese is served hot, either as an entree or a side dish.
Macedonia a region of southeastern Europe that lies mostly in Greece and in the country of North Macedonia.
machine a device with a system of parts that work together to perform a task. Cars, computers, hair dryers, and vacuum cleaners are all examples of machines.
machine gun an automatic gun that fires bullets one right after the other as long as its trigger is pressed.
machinery machines in general. [3 definitions]
machinist a person who has skill in using, repairing, or building machines.
Mackenzie River a river in Canada flowing from Great Slave Lake west and north toward the Arctic Ocean.
mackerel a fish that has dark marks that look like waves on its back and a silver underside. Mackerel live in the Atlantic Ocean and are used for food.
macron a mark ( - ). It is placed over a vowel to show that the vowel is long.
mad crazy; insane. [6 definitions]
Madagascar an island country in the Indian Ocean off the coast of southern Africa. Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar.
madam (sometimes capitalized) a polite word to use when talking to a woman.
madame a formal or polite way to address a married woman. (abbreviation: Mme.)
made past tense and past participle of "make."