Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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burn to be on fire.
code a set of rules or laws.
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling.
hang to attach to a point without support from below.
horrible causing a feeling of fear or horror.
law the set of rules that people in a society must follow.
magnet an object that has the power to pull certain metals toward itself.
nasty very bad to look at, smell, or taste.
remove to take something off or away.
sadness the state or quality of being unhappy.
stair (plural) a flight of steps one walks up or down.
sweet having a taste like that of sugar or honey.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.
thin small when measured from one side to the other or when measured around the outside; not thick.
though used to connect two parts of a sentence when the meaning of one part seems to disagree with the other.