Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bead a small, round object made of material such as glass, wood, or plastic. A bead has a small hole through its center so it can be put on a string to make necklaces or to decorate clothing.
champion a person or animal that has taken first place in a contest or game; winner.
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
gas a form of matter that is neither liquid nor solid. Oxygen is an example of a gas.
herd the common people; most people. The expression "He (or she) follows the herd" means that a person tends to do what everybody else does, like a cow in a herd, and does not think for himself or herself.
holder an object used for holding.
instantly at once; without delay; immediately.
matter all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
smile to have an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up.
spark a very small bit of hot and glowing material thrown off by burning wood.
spine the set of bones that go down the center of the back of a human or animal.
teach to show (someone) how to do something or to help (someone) learn something.
thief a person who steals.