Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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carpenter a person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
dark having little or no light.
faucet a device for turning on and off the flow of liquid from a pipe or container.
flock a group of animals or birds of one kind that stay or are kept together.
fold to bend something so that one part lies on top of another part.
health the condition of one's body or mind.
junk things that have little worth.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one.
price the amount of money needed to buy something.
printer a machine that makes printed copies from a computer.
record to put in writing.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
shall used to express a future action or state (used only with "we" and "I").
skate to move over ice or another hard surface using shoes that have a blade or wheels attached to the bottom.
trust to believe that someone is good, honest, or able to be depended on.