Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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enough as much or as many as needed or required.
escape to get free from something; to get away.
glance a quick look.
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
jealous feeling angry or sad when you want what another person has.
map a picture of an area of the earth or sky drawn or printed on a flat surface.
pain bad or terrible feeling in your body that is usually caused by injury or illness.
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth.
section a part that is different or apart from the whole.
shelter a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger.
skinny very thin; having little fat on the body.
spoil to damage something so that you cannot use or enjoy it.
steer to make something move in a certain direction.
stem the main part of a plant that supports the branches, leaves, and other parts.
think to judge or reason about something.