Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bully to frighten or hurt.
cave a large, natural hole in rock or under the earth. A cave is big enough for a person or animal to enter.
cliff a high, steep surface of rock.
drip to come down in drops.
fellow belonging to the same group, having the same job, or sharing the same interests.
fond having or showing feelings of love.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
hug the action of holding using both arms.
lake a large body of fresh or salt water that has land all around it.
lone without others; alone.
mad angry.
mow to cut down with a blade or machine.
stair (plural) a flight of steps one walks up or down.
tear1 a drop of liquid that comes from the eye. Tears clean the eye and keep it wet.
worried feeling trouble or anxiety about something that might happen.