Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chart a sheet that gives information in the form of a table or graph.
click to make a slight, sharp sound.
coach a person who trains and teaches people in sports.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
deep having a lot of space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back.
jewelry things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
join to put, bring, or fasten together.
kingdom a country that is ruled by royalty.
microphone a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them.
pen a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing in ink.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
rope pieces of string, wire, or similar material twisted together to make a thicker, stronger line.
search to try to find something by looking with care.
start to begin activity or operation.
unfair against what is right or just.