Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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activity a specific thing that people do.
bar a long piece of solid material used to support something, hold something together, or keep something outside or inside.
beauty the quality of being pleasant to see, hear, or feel.
club a heavy stick that is used as a weapon.
cruel willing to cause pain or suffering; not caring if you hurt someone or something.
desk a piece of furniture with a flat surface used for writing, using a computer, or reading. Desks usually have drawers where you keep paper, pens, and other supplies.
ditch a long narrow opening in the ground used to drain away or supply water.
dive to move down from a high place at high speed, with the head or front part first.
exit a way out.
lung either of the two organs in the body that control breathing.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
problem a question or condition that is difficult to understand or to deal with.
record to put in writing.
remove to take something off or away.
sick having an illness; not well.