Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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angel a spiritual being who acts as a servant or messenger of God. Angels are often represented as human figures with wings and a halo.
bough a main branch of a tree.
courage the ability to face fear or danger.
dart to move quickly; dash.
dye a substance that is used to give color to cloth, hair, or other materials.
fat having too much weight.
fight a battle or argument.
floor the lowest surface in a room; the surface on which one stands in a room.
less to a smaller degree or amount.
lonely unhappy because alone; lonesome.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
spot a mark that is different in color from the area around it.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
useful having a practical use or purpose.
waterfall a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.