Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ago before now; past.
child a young human.
fence a structure used to mark off an area or to keep animals or people in or out.
flicker1 to burn or shine in an unsteady way.
free able to go where one wishes; not held back.
golf a game played on a large outdoor course with small holes in the ground spaced far apart. Players use a set of special clubs to hit a small white ball into each of the series of holes. There are nine or eighteen holes in a golf course. The object of the game is to get the ball into each hole using as few strokes as possible.
juice the natural liquid from plants or meats. The juice from fruits and vegetables is used for drinking.
leap to jump into the air either straight up or across a distance.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
shortcut a quicker or more direct way to go somewhere.
staff a pole or rod often used as an aid in walking or hiking; walking stick.
steer to make something move in a certain direction.
store a building or other place where you can buy things.
towel a piece of soft cloth or paper used to dry the face, body, dishes, or other things.