Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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association a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by a shared interest.
belief a strong opinion.
chamber a room.
competitive having a strong desire to win or do better than others in almost every situation.
cruise to travel at the same speed for a while.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
enthusiasm a strong interest or excitement in connection with something.
fender a metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, or bicycle.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
master to become skilled in or expert at.
memory the ability to remember an experience.
mutate to display or cause to display a physical trait or characteristic that is different from one's parent or parents as a result of a change within a gene or chromosome.
phase a particular stage in a cycle of development or process of change.
teethe to have teeth growing out through the gums.
topple to sway and fall down; tumble.