Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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blot a spot or stain.
boast to talk with too much pride; brag.
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way.
elastic able to stretch easily without breaking and then return to original form.
frill an unnecessary or superfluous ornament or luxury.
gratitude the feeling of being thankful; gratefulness.
host1 a person who entertains guests.
idol a statue or image of a god that is used as an object of worship.
introduction a part at the beginning of something, such as a book, article, or speech, that explains what will follow.
involve to have as a necessary part or result; include.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest.
practically almost; nearly.
queasy feeling sick to one's stomach.
smolder to burn slowly and with smoke, but with little or no flame.
squelch to intimidate or silence, as with a crushing reply.