Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ajar partly opened.
alias a false name used to hide one's real name.
assay to try out or test.
consult to look to for advice or information.
elsewhere in or to another place.
expedite to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency.
fortify to give more strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce.
maelstrom a turbulent or overpowering situation.
monopoly complete control over a service or product within a given area.
norm a model or standard, especially one that is generally accepted or followed.
recruit a soldier who has just joined or been drafted into the armed forces.
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy.
untreated receiving no medical care or remedy.
voluntary acting from or done by choice.
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment.