Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acronym a word formed by putting together the first letters or parts of a series of words in a longer phrase.
astride over or upon and with a leg on each side of.
compromise a settlement of a disagreement in which each side gives up something, or the result of such a settlement.
contour the outline of a figure or surface; shape.
contrast to compare in order to make differences clear.
desolate without the things that are necessary or desirable for life.
edible able to be eaten as food; safe.
fanatic a person who is enthusiastic about something in a way that is extreme or not reasonable.
graceless inappropriate or socially awkward.
mince to cut into very small, fine pieces.
obstruction something that blocks the way or prevents progress.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
peerless having no equal; unmatched in excellence.
skulk to hide or wait in hiding; lurk.
unoriginal not new or inventive; derived or copied from something else.