Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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autonomy freedom and independence; self-governance.
bachelor a man who has not married.
brawl a noisy fight or argument.
compound made up of two or more parts or elements.
creed a set of beliefs held by a person or group.
deprive to take away from; not allow to have.
dimension size as measured in length, width, or depth.
exempt to free from something that others are always required to do; excuse.
gala a happy celebration, especially a large, elaborate one.
oust to force out; expel.
preventive made to get in the way of or to block something.
psychologist a person who is trained in and works in psychology.
rivalry the act, relation, or condition of one who competes with another or of those who compete with each for dominance.
specific pertaining to a particular thing or person and to nothing else of the same kind; particular.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.