Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aghast filled with alarm or horror; shocked.
amplify to make larger or greater.
casino a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, especially gambling games.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action.
expectation the act of waiting for or looking forward to.
former happening in or having to do with the past; previous.
incompatible not able to be together in a peaceful or happy way.
misunderstand to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to.
momentum strength of movement.
plague a deadly disease, sudden invasion of harmful insects, or any terrible thing that harms many people.
purport to assert or allege, especially falsely.
rivet a metal bolt that pins metal plates or other objects together.
sprawl to lie, sit, or fall with the arms and legs spread out in a loose or relaxed way.
stability the condition or quality of being steady, fixed, or unchanging.