Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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academic having to do with a school.
admission the price a person must pay to enter.
dependent relying on another for help or to provide what one needs.
discipline training of the body or mind to bring about good performance and good behavior.
economical using only a small amount; without waste; frugal.
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water.
maniac a person who has a very strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
paradigm an example, model, pattern, or the like.
parish a district of a Christian religion that has its own church and priest or minister.
pious showing love for a god or gods in thought and action; religious.
reject to refuse to take, approve, or believe.
snub to ignore as a way to show dislike, dissatisfaction, or contempt.
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy.
supplement something necessary to complete a whole or make up for a deficiency.
vivid bright and strong.