Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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augment to make greater in size or amount; increase.
buxom of a woman, having a full figure and healthy appearance.
caucus a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself.
codicil an addition or appendix, especially one modifying the terms of a will.
consequential coming after as an outcome or result.
exude to emit or give off from, or as if from, the pores of the skin.
gratis without charging money; freely.
infinitesimal of a thing or quantity, too small to be measured or calculated.
juxtapose to bring together for the purpose of side-by-side comparison or contrast.
noxious harmful, dangerous, or destructive, especially to health.
peruse to read or examine attentively and in detail.
pervade to spread or be present everywhere in.
pessimist one who usually expects a bad outcome.
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive.
waif a child without a home or friends.