Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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beguile to deceive or cheat by using guile.
censorious highly critical or disapproving.
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government.
mania an extreme desire or enthusiasm.
materialism great or excessive concern with the acquisition of wealth or possessions, especially as opposed to the attainment of spiritual goals.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
perseverance steadfast continuance in a course of action, task, or belief.
ponderous heavily labored and dull.
promenade a leisurely walk, especially in a public place.
rarefy to make less dense.
remiss careless or negligent, especially in the performance of one's duty.
reverent characterized by, showing, or feeling great respect and awe mingled with love.
sardonic bitterly mocking; derisive; scornful.
tutelage the act or function of a teacher, especially one who gives lessons to individuals; instruction; teaching.
uncouth lacking manners or refinement; rude, vulgar, or gauche.