Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
bogus not authentic; counterfeit.
commodity something that can be bought and sold.
dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
depict to show, describe, or portray in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
elixir a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water used as a vehicle for medicines.
epitaph on a gravestone or tomb, an inscription commemorating the dead person.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
intractable not easily controlled, managed, or persuaded.
largess liberality in giving, especially money, and often with an implication of the giver's superiority.
lewd characterized by vulgarity or offensively explicit sexual references; bawdy.
patrician of, concerning, or belonging to an aristocratic class.
petulant showing or inclined to show sudden or unreasonable irritation, impatience, or ill temper; peevish or sulky.
quintessence that which most perfectly describes or typifies something; essence.
reconstitute to put together or form again.