Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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attenuate to cause to be thin, rarefied, or fine.
bereft deprived or stripped of something.
Draconian (often lower case) harshly cruel or rigorous.
expatiate to discuss something at great length; describe in great detail.
extenuate to reduce the magnitude or seriousness of (a fault or offense) by offering partial excuses.
immiscible not able to be mixed or blended.
inquest a legal investigation, usually involving a jury, especially a coroner's investigation of a suspicious death.
irrefragable impossible to refute or dispute; undeniable.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
loll to hang down loosely; dangle.
nostrum a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy for social or political problems; panacea.
pathos a quality in life or art that evokes pity, sadness, or compassion.
pliant easily flexed; supple.
pneumatic of, using, or concerning air or other gases.
salacious excited by lust; lecherous.