Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apotheosis a perfect or ideal example; epitome.
apropos appropriate; relevant; opportune.
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten.
doggerel trivial, crudely constructed verse.
Draconian (often lower case) harshly cruel or rigorous.
exegesis a critical explanation or interpretive analysis, especially of religious texts.
flak (informal) irritating opposition, criticism, or dissent.
flout to show scorn or contempt for, especially by openly or deliberately disobeying.
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
granulate to make into small particles or grains.
idiosyncrasy a characteristic of temperament, habit, or physical structure particular to a given individual or group; peculiarity.
insinuate to suggest (something derogatory) subtly and indirectly.
pliant easily flexed; supple.
quondam having been in the past; former.