Reverse Search
Reverse Search allows you to search within the full text of dictionary entries for words, word parts, and phrases.
Search for entries that contain:
Exact matches of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or the word "orange."
Any form of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or "apples" or "orange" or "oranges."
Exact matches of all of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" and the word "orange."
The exact sequence of words and/or characters entered in the search box (for example, a fragment of a word, a single word, multiple words, or even a phrase containing punctuation)
Example: Searching for "a variety of apple" identifies all entries that contain that phrase. Searching for "app" identifies all entries that contain the letters "app," such as occurrences of "apple," "application," and "apply."
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aardvark |
a large mammal with a long snout, long ears, a long tail, and with long fur mostly around its legs. Aardvarks are active at night, when they use their powerful claws to dig open ant or termite nests. They catch their food with their long, sticky tongue. Aardvarks live in southern and central Africa. Although they are sometimes called anteaters, aardvarks are not closely related to any other kind of mammal. |
Burundi |
a central African country between Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The capital of Burundi is Gitega. |
Cameroon |
Cameroon is a country in Africa. It is next to Nigeria and the Central African Republic. It also lies along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Cameroon has many kinds of climate and land. It has deserts, plains, mountains, beaches, and rainforests. |
Central Africa |
a large region of Africa in the central part of that continent. Central Africa is generally considered to include the countries of Chad, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Other nearby nations, such as Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Rwanda, and Burundi, are often included as part of Central Africa as well. |
Central African Republic |
a country in central Africa. Bangui is the capital of the Central African Republic. |
Chad |
a country in central Africa. N'djamena is the capital of Chad. |
Congo |
Republic of the Congo, formerly known as the French Congo; a country in Central Africa, south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Brazzaville is the capital of the Republic of the Congo. [2 definitions] |
Congolese |
When something is Congolese, it is from either of two countries in Central Africa that can be called "the Congo," or it has to do with the people or culture of either of these two countries. One of these countries is the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the other is the Republic of the Congo. The people of both countries are called Congolese. |
Congo River |
an important river in the western part of central Africa. The Congo River is the deepest in the world. The river travels through a major rainforest as it flows from Zambia through the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Then it flows along the border with another country called the Republic of the Congo. At its end, the Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
a country in Central Africa that is north of Angola and south of the Republic of the Congo. The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Kinshasa. |
Niger |
a country in north central Africa. Niamey is the capital of Niger. [1/2 definitions] |
Republic of the Congo |
a country in Central Africa, north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and south of Gabon. The capital of the Republic of the Congo is Brazzaville. |
Rwanda |
a central African country between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. |
South Sudan |
a country in central Africa. The capital of South Sudan is Juba. |
Swahili |
Swahili is one of the important languages of the world. It is spoken mostly in countries of east and central Africa. Because Africa has many, many languages, Swahili is often used as a way for people from different language backgrounds to talk with each other. |
Zaire |
former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a nation in Central Africa. [2 definitions] |
Zambia |
a country in south, central Africa. Lusaka is the capital of Zambia. Zambia used to be called Northern Rhodesia. |
Zimbabwe |
a country in south, central Africa. Harare is the capital of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe used to be called Rhodesia. |