abbreviation |
An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word. "Mon." is an abbreviation for the word "Monday." |
A.D. |
after the birth of Jesus Christ. A.D. is an abbreviation for anno domini, which means "in the year of the Lord" in Latin. Something that happened in A.D. 50 happened fifty years after the birth of Christ. |
AK |
abbreviation of "Alaska." |
AL |
abbreviation of "Alabama." |
a.m. |
abbreviation of "ante meridiem," which means "before noon" in Latin; the time between midnight and noon. |
amt. |
abbreviation of "amount." |
Apr. |
abbreviation of "April." |
apt. |
abbreviation of "apartment." |
AR |
abbreviation of "Arkansas." |
abbreviation of "as soon as possible." |
abbreviation of "American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals," a national organization whose purpose is to take care of lost or stray dogs, cats, and other small animals. This organization tries to find people to adopt these animals as pets. |
an abbreviation for automated teller machine, a computerized machine used for banking. |
Aug. |
abbreviation of "August." |
Ave. |
abbreviation of "Avenue." |
AZ |
abbreviation of "Arizona." |
B.A. |
a college degree earned after four years of study. "B.A". is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Arts." |
B and B |
abbreviation of "Bed and Breakfast"; a small inn. |
B.C.1 |
abbreviation of "before Christ." These letters are placed after a date that is earlier than the birth of Christ. [1/2 definitions] |
B.C.E. |
B.C.E. is an abbreviation of the words "before the Common Era." This abbreviation is often used for dates in history. The abbreviation B.C.E. (or "BCE") is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before Jesus Christ was born. The year before Jesus Christ was born is called "1 B.C.E." The year before that is called "2 B.C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and Jesus Christ is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses the year of Christ's birth in this way. "B.C.E." replaces an older abbreviation, which is "B.C." |
Blvd. |
abbreviation of "Boulevard." |
B.S.1 |
a college degree earned in a science, such as biology or chemistry, after four years of study. "B.S." is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science." |