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additional If you have an additional thing, you have one more thing than what you had before. If you had two chairs before and somebody gives you an additional chair, it means you have three chairs now. Let's say your dad got only one small pizza for your birthday party but twenty kids came. You would probably need a lot of additional pizza!
another being one more just like the others; an additional. [2/4 definitions]
auxiliary serving as an extra means of support; additional. [1/3 definitions]
cross reference a reference from one part of a book, index, or file to another part that contains additional or related information.
effect When people talk about effects in a movie, they mean additional sounds, images, or lighting that make the movie feel more real or exciting. Sometimes effects make the audience feel more scared or amazed. Sometimes they can even make the movie funnier. [1/6 definitions]
extra An extra is an additional thing. It's something more than the usual amount or more than is usually needed. [2/6 definitions]
further "Further" sometimes means "more" or "additional." If you have further questions, it means that you have more questions. [1/4 definitions]
health food food believed to be good for one's health. Health food is grown without chemicals and contains no additional substances.
M.A. a degree earned in particular fields after one or two years of additional study following college. "M.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Arts."
M.B.A. a degree earned in accounting or other areas of business after one or two years of additional courses following college. "M.B.A." is an abbreviation of "Master of Business Administration."
more extra; additional. [2/6 definitions]
or used to include an additional item in a negative statement. [1/5 definitions]
other a different or additional one. [1/11 definitions]
Ph.D. a degree that is earned following college after several years of additional study and the completion of a major research project. "Ph.D." is an abbreviation of Latin words which mean "Doctor of Philosophy."
renew to continue or extend for an additional period of time. [1/3 definitions]
update An update is additional information that is recent, or it is a change to something that is made to improve it. [1/3 definitions]