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abolition When a government makes a law to completely end or get rid of something, it is called abolition. Abolition is the act of abolishing something, getting rid of it by passing a law against it. [1/2 definitions]
abolitionism a movement in the United States in the 1800s whose goal was to free the people who were slaves and make slavery against the law.
abolitionist An abolitionist is a person who supported the ending of slavery in the United States before and during the Civil War. Abolitionists fought hard in various ways to help the slaves become free and to make slavery against the law. The end of slavery finally came in 1865 near the end of the Civil War.
accept When people accept something, they might not like it but they don't fight against it, or they stop fighting against it. They feel they don't have a choice, so they say to themselves, "Okay, that's just the way it is and I will have to live with it." [1/5 definitions]
acceptance If there is acceptance of something, people approve of it, or at least they don't fight against it. If there is acceptance of a person or group, people welcome them or are not against allowing them to join their group. [1/2 definitions]
accord Accord is agreement or harmony. If things are in accord, they go well together. If something is in accord with another thing, it follows it. It doesn't go against it. If people are in accord, they agree about something or they have a similar opinion.
accuse When you accuse someone, you say that they have done something wrong or against the law.
adversary a person, group, or thing that is against another; opponent; enemy.
against When you go against something, you don't along with it, or you go in the opposite direction that it is going. If you walk against the wind, it means that you walk so that the wind is blowing in your face. If you play a game and go against the rules, it means that you don't play the way the rules tell you to play. [4 definitions]
against the law If something is against the law, it means that the law does not permit it. It is illegal.
ageism the act of having a bad opinion of, or not treating in a fair way, a person or group of people based on age. This kind of discrimination is often against older people.
aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country. [2 definitions]
agitate to try to stir up public support (often followed by "for" or "against"). [1/3 definitions]
air Air is the wind. You can feel air moving against your skin. [1/4 definitions]
alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened. [1/2 definitions]
antagonism a state of being enemies, or a strong feeling against someone or something.
antagonist a person who fights against another; an enemy or competitor. [2 definitions]
anti- a prefix that means "against" or "opposed to." [1/2 definitions]
antibody a protein in blood that reacts to particular toxic substances by neutralizing or destroying them. Antibodies provide immunity against these toxic substances.
antitoxin an antibody formed in the body to act against a specific poison.
argue to give reasons for or against something. [1/3 definitions]