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alcohol a clear liquid that burns easily and can be made from certain grains and fruits. Alcohol is present in such drinks as beer, wine, and whiskey. It is also used in making medicines and chemicals. [2 definitions]
alcoholic containing alcohol. [2 definitions]
alcoholism a disease caused by the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcoholism is characterized by a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in behaving properly, and troubling effects when alcohol use is stopped.
beer an alcoholic drink made of hops and malt. [2 definitions]
cocktail1 a drink made with alcohol and juice, soda, or other beverages. [1/2 definitions]
drink Sometimes when we say that someone drinks, we mean that they drink liquids that contain alcohol. [1/4 definitions]
drunk having had too much alcohol to drink; intoxicated. [2/3 definitions]
ferment When a solid or liquid food ferments, the natural sugars contained in the food change to other substances, such as alcohol or acids. Fermenting occurs when some form of bacteria or yeast is added to the food or somehow gets into it. People use the process of fermenting to create certain foods and beverages. Yogurt is a food that is made by fermenting. Yogurt starts out as milk, which has a natural sugar in it called "lactose." A certain kind of bacteria is added to the milk to make it ferment. When the milk ferments, some of the lactose changes into an acid. That's why yogurt has a kind of sour taste.
fermentation the chemical change of a sugar into alcohol. Fermentation produces gas bubbles. [1/2 definitions]
intoxicate to cause to be less rational by means of alcohol or drugs. [1/2 definitions]
iodine a mixture of iodine, compounds of iodine, and alcohol, which can be put on cuts to kill germs and stop infections. [1/2 definitions]
oil any one of the greasy liquids that come from minerals, animals, plants or chemicals. Oil can be dissolved in alcohol, but not water. [1/3 definitions]
soft drink Soft drinks are beverages that are usually sweet and have bubbles in them. Soft drinks do not have alcohol in them like beer or wine. Soft drinks are usually sodas. Sometimes juices are also considered soft drinks, but usually when people talk about soft drinks, they mean soda or soda pop.
tavern a place that sells alcohol to drink at a bar. [1/2 definitions]
thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature. Some thermometers are made of a closed glass tube containing mercury or alcohol that rises or falls as the temperature rises or falls.
wine the juice of grapes that has been fermented and contains alcohol.
yeast tiny, single cells of certain fungi that are used to make bread, alcohol, and some medicines.