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circle a closed curve made up of points that are all the same distance from a fixed center point. [1/5 definitions]
cube1 a solid figure with six square faces all the same size. [1/5 definitions]
diverse When something is diverse, it is made up of different types of things. When a group of people is diverse, the people are not all the same. For example, they may come from different places or speak different languages. They may look different from each other or believe in different things. [1/2 definitions]
diversity When something has diversity, it is made up of different types of things, plants, animals, or people. When there is diversity among things, the things are not all the same.
mixture a group of people or set of things that are not all the same. [1/2 definitions]
model A model is a particular type or style of a product. A car company, for example, makes a lot of cars, but they are not all the same. Each type that they make is called a model. [1/11 definitions]
purebred having ancestors that are all the same breed of animal. [1/2 definitions]
quarter If you cut a big cookie into four parts that are all the same size, each one of the four pieces is a quarter of the cookie. Four quarters equals one whole. [1/9 definitions]
square A square is a shape with four straight sides that come together at four corners. The sides of a square are all the same length. [1/9 definitions]
uniform When things are uniform, they are all the same in some way. [1/2 definitions]
variety If there is variety, things are not all the same, or they don't stay the same. Nature has a lot of variety. There are many different kinds of plants and animals. If you like variety in what you eat, you don't like to eat the same thing all the time. You like to have choice. [1/3 definitions]
various If you have various games, you have games of many different types. They are not all the same. If there are various things in your closet, there are many different kinds of things in your closet. There might be things like shoes, balls, board games, rackets, books, and clothes.